Norwegian Wood (Novel ) Review

Norwegian Wood

Author.   : Haruki Murakami
Genre.    : Romance .
Translator: Alfred Birnbaum(1989), jay Rubin
Published : 1987.

Norwegian Wood is A Depressing Romantic Novel.  This Story was told By a young man Who's name Is Toru Watanabe(Main Character Of This Book).  He Fall in love with a Beautiful But fragile Women Name Naoko. Naoko was the Girlfriend Of his Friend Kizuki who Committed Suicide. 

This Book Is about the journey Of Adulthood. How Watanabe Fall In love With Naoko. But Naoko can Not Love him back She is broken.
Then Watanabe Met Another women Called Midori who Was different From Naoko. She Is lively. She loves Watanabe. Watanabe Didn't Understand What To do. 

This Book is Dark and depressing. This Book Is full of Struggling ,Sexuality, Romance, Loneliness, Mental Health, Death. Its An 18+ Book.

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