Two can keep A Secret Review

Two Can Keep A Secret

Author : Karen Mcmanus
Genre: Crime Thriller.
Page.  : 336
Published:  January 8,2019.

Well, what will happen?  When you realize your twins have disappeared?  And no trace of her was found!
The story revolves around a small town from which young girls disappear and are murdered. No one knows what's is the reason and who is behind all this!

The twin move from Hollywood to Echo Ridge, Ellery, and Ezra began to live with their grandmother they barely know. A small town where everyone knows everyone else's businesses. Their mother Sadie left the town after her twin sister Sarah disappeared. 

Ellery has grown up with so many secrets she wants to know, but never find an answer. Her mother hardly talks about the mysterious town. But when she ends up in rehab, she had to send them in Echo ridge. And being  there Ellery becomes clear everyone hiding something. 

With so many side story, character and secret the story has a perfect crime buff. As you know two can keep a secret if one of them is died.

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